A study of the relationship between the performance of selected Indian students attending courses in metropolitan Winnipeg and certain factors of support in their present living situation

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Hagan, Allan Thomas
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This is a descriptive study of a group of 51 Indian Students between the ages of 18 and 25 years who were attending various educational institutions in Winnipeg during the 1964-1965 academic year and whose educational and living accommodation costs were being financed through the Winnipeg regional office of the Indian Affairs Branch of the federal Department of Citizenship and Immigration. The aim of this study is to examine the extent of the relationship between factors viewed as supportive in the boarding homes of the Indian students and the level of educational achievement in the educational institutions attended in the Greater Winnipeg area. Six areas or factors of support were delineated and data collected relative to each of the 51 students' present living situation through the use of a schedule and a questionnaire. A schedule was also used to collect data with respect to each student's level of performance in the school setting. Data concerning support in the present living situation and performance in the student role was then examined for the group of Indian students as a whole to determine if there was any discernable relationship between these areas and to compare the findings actually obtained with those that had been postulated in the hypotheses set forth. The findings derived from the analyzed data were generally found to be inconclusive. Although some of the sub-hypotheses were partially substantiated, no discernible pattern was found that would indicate that the classifications defined as supportive in the present study positively influence the level of performance in the educational role of the Indian students studied.