A preliminary investigation of congenital hip disease in the Island Lake Reserve population, Manitoba

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Walker, Joan Marion.
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...Congenital malformations are, increasingly, important foci for epidemiologic and genetic research. Their relative incidence has increased, due to decrease in mortality from other conditions and partly due to improved diagnosis. Defects of bone and joint systems are the most frequent in many studies. The hip joint is more often involved when dislocation occurs, in isolation or as part of a 'complex' of congenital abnormalities. The majority of common malformations are considered to be of multifactorial causation. Smithells noted that an epidemiological approach is therefore likely to be the most fruitful in the long run. Neel suggested integration of epidemiologic-genetic strategies in research of congenital malformations and chronic diseases... Records have in turn been integrated into biological sibships, wtih individuals referenced into a single sibship sharing a common progenitor and progenitrix. Sibships have been linked into biological lineages. The data base has been compiled from research in archives, vital records registers, church and administrative records, and interviews. Rokala has stated the specific objectives of the research as: 1. to ascertain the segregation frequency, mode of inheritance or heritability, and recurrence risk for congenital hip disease (CHD) and bifid uvula, a reported microform of cleft palate. 2. to investigate the population structure of Indian reserves characterized by elevated prevalence of one or more diseases of purported genetic etiology... Research commenced in 1968 by Dr. D. Rokala, Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, has generated a genetic-demographic data base for the Island Lake reserve population which spans six generations. Relevant demographic data has been integrated into individual records.
