'Weeds' an emerging urban flora

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Yang, Yiqi
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When people try to conquer nature, some plants are named 'weeds'. What 'weeds' are is decided by people rather than the voice of nature. Therefore, from an ecological perspective, are these 'bad' species? Moreover, different species can be regarded as 'weeds' by different people and time throughout history. What were once treasured species may become weeds when they jump the fence into the garden; and conversely, what was a 'weed' may become a valuable crop when cultivated. However, despite different views toward these species, when a plant stands in the way of people's willingness at the moment, they are forcefully removed. While sparing no effort to get rid of those species can give rise to a series of environmental issues along with substantial economic costs. All of this has me question if we should stop thinking of these species as 'weeds' and try to appreciate and to utilize them as our ancestors did throughout history. This reality is the context of the practicum. If we reveal the value of these 'weeds', can we change people's perception of these plants, and subsequently benefit from their fecundity.
Weeds, Ruderal species, Lawn, City of Winnipeg, Urban environment