Interface the land: nature-based performance art

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Suzuki, Kaoru Ryan
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Interface the Land is a research project that examines the Transcontinental Performance Series, a performance art project that seeks to form relationships with the land through art. Performance art in this context presents actual events as art, and provides a conceptual framework that facilitates experiences with the land, intentional acts of spiritual transformation, creative actions and learning. Through this work, I promote responsible relationships with the land and Indigenous peoples, practicing respectful consultation and reciprocal relationship-building. Using gestures including pilgrimage, amplified water-listening and floating, I contribute to the discourse on nature and art. I question the role of documentation, audience and institution, through experiential and transformative learning. At a time when the Earth is in an ecological crisis, we must establish a worldview that is connected to the land.
performance art, art, nature, land, ritual performance, sound art, canadian art, Kaoru Ryan Suzuki, Nunavut, Haida Gwaii, water, fire, film, filmmaking, video, photography, eco-art, Transcontinental Performance Series, Indigenous, Native, Aboriginal, relationship to land, decolonize, indigenize