Needle core biopsy of renal neoplasms: the Winnipeg experience and comparison with the literature

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Zhou, ZhiCheng
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Renal cell carcinoma is the seventh most common malignant neoplasm in the western countries. Renal tumour core biopsy is a procedure to provide histopathological information and guide treatment. The main objective of this study was to determine the diagnostic rate and accuracy of renal core biopsy in the diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma type, subtype, and nuclear grade. We also hypothesized that clear cell subtype and high grade cases would be more likely to undergo nephrectomy than any other subtypes and low grade cases. This study included 163 cases from 2007 to 2016. By comparing the renal biopsy pathology reports with the subsequent nephrectomy reports, the diagnostic rate was 84% and non-diagnostic rate was 9.2%. Histologic type and subtype were 100% concordant. The data from this study shows excellent accuracy of renal core biopsy in diagnosing histology subtypes. Therefore, the application of renal core biopsy should be expanded. However, histologic subtype and grade did not affect clinical decision making.
Needle core biopsy of renal neoplasms