A review of private land habitat programs

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Scarth, Jonathan St. Clair
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The quantity and quality of wildlife habitat continues to decline within the agricultural regions of Canada and the United States. In response to this trend, a variety of public and private agencies have administered programs for the protection and the development of farmland habitat areas. This report is a description and analysis of these private lands wildlife habitat programs. The fundamental objective is to make available to wildlife managers in Manitoba the experience gained elsewhere. A telephone survey was used to collect information from federal, state, provincial, and private conservation agencies. Recommendations were based on this survey, supplemented by a review of the relevant literature. There is an inadequate awareness of the true costs of wildlife production on the part of resource users. Communication of these costs is a necessary first step towards the generation of funds for habitat programs. No one policy instrument represents the solution to habitat preservation on private lands. Particular programs are adapted to particular habitats and for use by particular agencies. Increased input into existing educational and extension services, the use of federal funds to purchase wetland easements, and development of a provincial leased hunting system should be among the primary objectives of wildlife agencies.