Poems Gedichte by von Frederick Philip Grove Felix Paul Greve
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This comprehensive edition of Frederick Philip Grove's poetry comprises 122 poems stemming largely from his archives at the University of Manitoba. The majority reflect his Canadian creations (75). Most of these are based on a typescript collection entitled Poems: In Memoriam Phyllis May Grove (63 poems), but there are many other manuscript and typed sources as well. Only a selection of twenty-one poems from the In Memoriam collection were ever published under the title From the Dirge in Canadian Forum (April, 1932). The probable date of composition lies between 1927 and 1932, the plan of devoting a cycle to the memory of his only child having originated with her tragic death at the age of twelve in July 20, 1927. One-third of the corpus (41 poems) are by the author and prolific translator Felix Paul Greve, who disappeared from his native Germany in September, 1909, and who is believed to have assumed a new identity as Grove when he came to Manitoba in December, 1912. While more than half of his poetry (23) was published as Wanderungen in 1902, this edition also includes fifteen poems which were recently discovered by the editor. Central in position and importance, there are six German manuscript poems by Grove which are extant in his archives. Their thematic, stylistic and formal affinity with Greve's neo-romantic poetry allows for a perfect juncture of the German and the English parts of this edition, and they furthermore confirm the (not totally uncontested) connection between the two authors, since one of Grove's poems was published by Greve in 1907. The edition is preceded by a substantial introduction, and supplemented with a critical apparatus which includes a concordance to the German and English poetry, an index of first lines, convenient tables, and an extensive bibliography.