Planning for ethnocultural difference: engagement in a changing Winnipeg

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Ross, Andrew
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In recent years, Winnipeg’s ethnocultural profile has been diversifying due to historic levels of international immigration, especially from Asian, Middle Eastern and African places of origin. In spite of these changes, little is known about the ways in which the City's planning processes are addressing the needs of people living the experience of being new to the city, or how the needs and preferences of these emerging ethnic groups are affected by planning decisions. This research examines the City's response to ethnocultural difference by analyzing municipal planning policy, and by conducting focus groups with City of Winnipeg planners and with key informants from organizations that serve newcomers. This research explores what Winnipeg’s Planning and Land Use Division, and organizations that serve newcomers, each hope to accomplish with respect to planning for ethnocultural difference, compiles their aims and methods with those suggested in the literature, and develops recommendations for change.

ethnoculture, culture, planning, immigrant, difference, diversity, environment, Winnipeg