Parametric landscapes

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Watts, Jonathan Daniel
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Parametric Landscapes looks to answer the question of how can parametric scripts be utilized in the field of Landscape Architecture to increase efficiency, and inform smarter design and planning decisions. This body of work was conducted using applied research methods, drawing from both Landscape Architecture, and computer programming. The following scripts are intended to be used and manipulated by not only computer programmers, but by Landscape Architects and any other designer that would benefit from their application in their design workflow. These scripts are written in Python programming language applied in both Grasshopper and Rhinoceros. Parametric Landscapes starts with preliminary research, investigating the application of parametric programming software in Landscape Architecture. The application of parametric scripts throughout the site analysis and design phase are then explored at the site of Pinawa Dam in southeastern Manitoba. The design of this project is dependent upon the development of dynamic parametric scripts that allow the designer to easily input design data (drawings, or 3D models), and get seemingly instant feedback. Each parametric script in Parametric Landscapes is dependent upon a 3D digital landscape model. For the test site of Pinawa Dam a 3D landscape model is constructed from a point cloud derived from a drone scan. A parametric script isolates vegetation and topographic data from the point cloud. This data is then used to map vegetation, and produce a 3D digital topographic model. This model is then used to simulate drainage on the site, plan trail systems at accessible slope percentages, and is the foundation for a real-time cut and fill script.
Parametrics, Grasshopper, Point clouds, Drones