Spacializing narratives: informing the adaptive reuse of the St-Boniface Fire Hall No.1

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Moquin, Marianne
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This interior design practicum investigates how narratives linked to the St-Boniface Fire Hall No.1, located in Winnipeg, can inform its adaptive reuse. Its oral history gathered in part through interviewing past users is spacialized into a physical realm. Narratives are translated into design elements by utilizing the creative process and analytical framework of the concept of mise en scène. Stories are analyzed and given structure through narratology as a theoretical approach. Post-Museum theory joined the concept of mise en scène by encouraging the visitors to become part of a living museum through sharing stories, thus becoming performers themselves.
By utilizing narratives as a foundation, the interior weaves the existing heritage structure with new design interventions, therefore preserving the unique character of the building and incorporating its neighboring francophone community. The resulting design solution manifests itself as a mixed typology including a brewpub, an artist in residence studio and, a living museum.

narratology, adaptive reuse, mise en scène, St-Boniface Fire Hall No.1, oral history, post-museum, brewpub, living museum, artist studio