Tapwetamowin: Cree Spirituality and Law for Self-Governance

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Wastesicoot, Jennie
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JCharlton Publishing Ltd.

This doctoral thesis explores the uniqueness of Cree spirituality and law, based in part on oral histories and on Euro-Canadian literal evidence, specifically the multi-volumes of the Jesuit Relations and the thousands of Hudson’s Bay Company manuscripts that re-enforce insights into this Aboriginal governing system. Taken together, the oral and literal primary evidences will define how spirituality and law pre-existed colonisation and are manifested within self-governing institutions currently pursued by First Nations. The purpose is to understand better Cree spirituality and law as captured in Cree self-government models. This Aboriginal legal history contains and studies a plan of action for future self-governance based on inherent Aboriginal legal traditions and jurisprudence.

Cree Self-Governance, Cree Law, Cree Spirituality, Cree History
Jennie Wastesicoot, (eds. Herman J. Michell and Cathy Wheaton), "Cree Sources of Knowledge: Spirituality and Law" in Kitaskino: Key Issues, Challenges and Visions for Northern Aboriginal Communities in Canada (Vernon BC: JCharlton Publishing Ltd. 2014), p.45.