An economic feasibility study of irrigating from groundwater in south western Manitoba
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The prime objective of this study is to determine the economic feasibility of sprinkler irrigation in the Melita area. This has been done by constructing a farm model which is representative of the project area. Using this model as a base, severaal new enterprises were added. These additions include the potential for a livestock enterprise, specialty crop enterprises, and irrigation. The major methods of irrigating are reviewed and one of these, sprinkler irrigation is adopted for the study. The linear programming solutions suggest that the farm that integrates dryland and irrigated cropping along with some livestock, is the most successful financially. Livestock enables the farmer to more fully utilize his available labor. Although the cost of irrigation is high relative to the cost of operating similar acreages under dryland conditions, with good managment the returns are adequate to cover costs. Return to management and investment equity in machinery, equipmnet, and building, computed for each plan using irrigation is favorable.