Establishing a framework for inner-ring suburb sustainability in Winnipeg
Clark, Devin
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Sustainable development is an objective that attempts to address global growth and change in an environmental, economic and social manner. Rapidly increasing global populations and growing concerns over resource scarcity and climate change are challenges to these goals. This practicum explores the relationship between sustainable development objectives and an inner-ring suburban neighbourhood in Winnipeg. The intent is to gain insights into how inner-ring suburbs can facilitate a more sustainable future. The research revealed eight themes associated with sustainable urban development, including: community development, land use diversification, better buildings, open space, transportation, water management, waste management, and economic development. A total of 45 associated action opportunities were proposed for an implementation plan for the study area. Challenges and barriers to the implementation of these actions include: political support, financial constraints, physical growth limitations, behavioural change, existing policies and by-laws, action opportunity dependency and education for sustainable development.
sustainable, suburbs