Canada and the immigration problem
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Social problems change from year to year and from age to age. The earliest problems of European history were political. The German tribes, after overwhelming the Romans and Britons in England, began the great work of state formation and the limitations of nationalities. From the eleventh century to the time of the Reformation we have the struggles which finally determine the spheres of the church and the state. The deciding factors in this mightly struggle were, we may truthfully say, the gradual falling down and final break-up of the feudal system; the invention of printing, the invention of gunpowder; the discovery of the new trade routes to India and finally the discovery of America, which moved the center of the commercial and econonmic world from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and through its geographical situation paved the way for the future greatness of Great Britian as a world power. These, followed by the growth of our present parliamentary system of cabinet government from the year 1650 on; the effect of the French Revolution; the Reform Bill of 1832 and subsequent changes to its principles, have solved more or less, at any rate for the time being, the fundamental problems of state life...