A comparative analysis of correctional ideology of the Correctional Service of Canada and native ideology at Stony Mountain Penitentiary

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Carleton, Wilhelmiena C. M.
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The analysis of social policy and theories of deviancy has to take into account social values and, as well, the social and political ideas of the policy makers or the theorists. The analysis must explain how policy implementers perceive the world and why, in order to assess the objectives and implementation of the policy and its subsequent programs. This study considers a "new" correctional model, the Opportunities Model, presently operating within Stony Mountain Penitentiary and analyzes and compares this model and its programs with the former Individual Treatment Model. This research employs normative theory and a modified form of John Horton's paradigm to interpret specific ideological elements and demonstrate that the two correctional models, although claiming to be different, are in fact similar and share a consensus perspective of society. The culture of Central North American Natives is explored and the native world view is presented. The concepts of colonialism and native oppression are examined in this analysis, as one cannot divorce these concepts within the native interpretation of the ideological elements and the native view of the world. Using normative theory, this thesis will prove native ideology to be in conflict with that of Correctional Services of Canada. This raises a number of questions regarding the appropriateness, possible effects, and the latent objectives of this correctional model and its programs, for native inmates. Areas of possible future research topics are presented and discussed.
