Transfer System Spillage Solution
Bergen, Brett
Riese, James
Peng, Tianyu
Brandt, Dustin
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The Royal Canadian Mint is currently experiencing issues with coin blanks spilling from their conveyance system in the coining department. There are eight (8) machines in the D-line and four (4) machines in the F-line. The request by the client is to achieve zero spillage in the coining area, reducing the noise generation by 25% and provide safe operator and trade access to the area for maintenance and changeovers. The main areas of spillage and noise generation were found to be the rear of the vibrating feed plate for preventative blank spillage, the transfer point between the feed plate and the conveyor for blank spillage and lastly, the upper hopper transfer point for noise generation. The team developed seven (7) main concepts to go forward into testing and prototyping. Three (3) concepts were for the for the main transfer point between the feed plate and the conveyor, two (2) concepts for the rear of the vibrating feed plate, and the last two (2) for the upper hopper. The three concepts for the main transfer point were prototyped and tested on the equipment to determine the best design by how well each met the objectives. A main objective the team decided was to manufacture and install all products onto the conveyance system before the project timeline was over, but due to scope creep and a delay in other areas of the project, prototyping occurred for the main transfer area with foam board and not the actual prototypes from the final designs. The best concept was the Blank Catch, which is a guard around the conveyor with a scoop at the top to catch any spilled blanks from the conveyor and guide walls to keep blanks from falling off the belt. The Blank Catch is fully adjustable along the conveyance system to meet a client’s new objective of standardized products. The last major feature of the Blank Catch is the flap that moves by the aid of hinges up and down with the belt cleats to keep the blanks on the belt. The Mesh Block is a metal mesh on the rear...