Progressive social policy in Manitoba, 1915-1949

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Turnbull, Aleda.
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This paper is a survey of the development of social policy in Manitoba during the period 1915-1939, The paper relates social policy developments to progressivism in chapter l. Progressivism is defined as the reform philosophy of the period 1915-1939 in Manitoba. Progressivism is seen as having both urban and rural facets. Urban progressive policy was enacted during the period 1915-1922 under the Norris government. The rural progressive government of John Bracken was in power for the remainder of the period under review -- 1922-1939. The thirties are described as having a special significance in a review of progressive social policy since the progressives did not favour any "new dear" to meet the crisis of capitalism. Social policy is defined functionally in the thesis as the establishment of a socially based economy for certain goods and services. The purpose of this socially based economy is to integrate those persons whose marginality to the economy is a public issue...
