Service centre study of the Interlake Region, Manitoba
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The primary aim of this study is to obtain an understanding of the relationship between centres and their surrounding areas in Manitoba's Interlake Region and more particularly the role that the centres play with regard to the services they provide for the surrounding population. We will accept the fact that there are small towns, villages or concentrations of people at centres in the Interlake. We will further assume that there exist farmers who live on scattered farmsteads; that there are other persons engaged in transportation and communications, wholesale trade and retail trade, that there are those involved in banking, finance, business, manufacturing and the professional field, and also those occupied with public services, trades and personal services and recreational services, and that they provide their respective services in these centres. We are aware that a relationship exists between the urban population (living in the centres) and rural population (living on scattered farmsteads) and that essentially the livelihood of the one group depends on the other. This study is devoted to an investigation of the form and function of the service centres, the relationship between the centres, and the relationship between centres and the surrounding countryside... This discussion now leads to the main objective of my study, the investigation of the forces, and principles if any, which will enable a better understanding of the relationship which exists between service centres and their surrounding areas in the Interlake Region...