A new design of the University of Manitoba cyclotron for D-ion acceleration and a study for the beam extraction from the Princeton University AVF cyclotron

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Huang, Yunxiang
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Two independent cyclotron upgrading projects are treated separately: a re-design of the University of Manitoba cyclotron for D- ion acceleration and a study of the beam extraction from the Princeton University AVF cyclotron. These two projects are described in part 1 and part 2 of this thesis, respectively. The first part includes an analysis of the magnetic field mapping data that was previously obtained from the University of Manitoba cyclotron, as well as systematic beam orbit dynamics study based on the improved magnetic field and the newly designed central dee-tips for D- ion acceleration. These studies show that after the upgrade program is finished, it will be possible to obtain in the University of Manitoba cyclotron a D- ion beam with substantial improvement in the available maximum energy, beam quality and transmission efficiency. The second part of this thesis first describes the extensive modificiations that were made in the computer program that was previously used. The modified program can now be used over the full energy range of an AVF cyclotron. Then the upgraded computer code is utilized to carry out simulative calculation for the reference particle and the beam in phase space, from the ion source through the electro-static deflector of the Princeton University AVF cyclotron. On the basis of these studies, all the parameters for the extraction system are optimized, and suggestions for further improvements are proposed.
