Model-based testing of safety-critical avionics systems
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Safety-critical systems in aviation domain often go through the formal process of airworthiness certification DO-178C, which ensures system's safe and risk-free operation. Two of the main requirements for this certification are to have traceability between specifications and test cases, and have high code coverage. In this thesis, I have implemented a Model-Based Testing (MBT) tool to automate system-level test generation from specification models. MBT alone provides the traceability requirement. To improve the code coverage, unlike transition coverage based MBT, I target model-constraints in a more demanding manner, Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC), and generate an extra set of test cases using an evolutionary algorithm that leads to higher code coverage. The result shows, the proposed approach improves the MC/DC model-constraint coverage by 65% and the code-level C/D coverage by 33% for a sample specification model. The proposed approach also detected three new faults in the system.