Going public, a history of public programming at the Hudson's Bay Company Archives
Gregor, Allison A. P.
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Public programming is a function performed by archives in order to create awareness of archives within society as well as to promote their use and educate their sponsors and users in how to use them. The Hudson's Bay Company Archives (HBCA), established in the 1920s, developed a public programming function over the course of the twentieth century. Today, public programs at the HBCA are influenced by computerized technology and relations with parallel institutions. They are seen as ways to help maintain societal awareness of the archives and further the education of users. HBCA public programming has begun to employ computer technology and involve other institutions such as the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature. The HBCA has succeeded in creating a strong profile within society as a research centre. This success has resulted in sharp increases in the number of users of the archives. HBCA public programming can respond best to this by focusing more on user education, especially through programs designed to improve use of the archives by providing richer descriptions of archival documents in the reading room or via the Web. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)