How do teachers understand their self-efficacy in teaching struggling writers?

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Dandiwal, Paramvir Kaur
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Novice teachers start their careers under the false impression of being prepared to teach writing to a diverse group of students, but they soon discover that reality is different. As such, students who are struggling do not receive enough writing instruction to improve their writing skills. Yet, if students gain reading and writing skills in the early years, they will be more successful in higher grades. Advancement in the writing of students largely depends on the preparation of writing teachers, and the continuity of instruction they provide to improve their students' writing skills. Educators must thus reassess approaches to teaching writing and embrace a new pedagogical position for acquiring literacy, particularly for teaching writing. Teachers develop a sense of self-efficacy in different ways depending on factors such as preservice training, in-service training, independent learning, networking with colleagues, self-reflection, and feedback. The goal of my research is to discover how teachers understand their self-efficacy in teaching struggling writers. In this study, I conducted interviews with five educators and collected data using qualitative research methods, particularly grounded theory, which facilitates flexible analysis for making connections between the specific and general, and the individual and social (Charmaz, 2017). The study revealed teacher perceptions of receiving insufficient or inadequate preservice training. It is recommended that objectives be clearly defined in formulating preservice teacher training, novice teachers be mentored and relevant professional development be implemented to increase teachers' competence and confidence in teaching writing to all students.
struggling writers, teachers’ perspectives