Sustainable infrastructure planning: using development charges for stormwater management

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Kotak, Caitlin
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This research explored the use of development charges (DCs) as a sustainable planning policy implementation tool to address integrated urban water management (IUWM) principles through the implementation of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) practices. This was accomplished by focusing on whether and how development charges can be used in Canadian slow-growth city regions to provide incentives for sustainable urban infrastructure practices through facilitating the decentralisation of stormwater management. The forms of stormwater management explored included structural landscape- and building- based strategies encompassing bioretention, infiltration, and dispersion. Potential implications were explored from the perspective of planning through semi-structured interviews, to the on-the-ground site design level within development projects through a review of the literature and case study analysis. Findings from the National Capital Region (Ottawa and environs) case study were synthesised into a series of best management practices for implementation of an IUWM DC strategy for the Manitoba Capital Region.

planning, development, sustainability, infrastructure, Manitoba, design, IUWM, WSUD, GI, DC