Population trends and the schools of western Canada
Paetkau, Henry Harry
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The problem of this demographical study was twofold: (1) to reveal population trends in the four Western Provinces of Canada pertinent to the schools; and (2) to project these trends to 1965. That is, on the basis of the population trends from 1901 to 1956, what will be required of the school to the end of the year 1965?... Some of the major conclusions were: (1) the population in all four provinces is increasing at a steady rate; (2) urbanization in all four provinces is proceeding so rapidly that by 1965 about 75% of the population of Western Canada will be living in urban areas; (3) the dependent population is increasing, and increasing most rapidly, in British Columbia; (4) the sex ratio has decreased from a high of 235:100 for the (20-44) years of age group in British Columbia in 1911 to 102.100 for the (20-44) years of age group in Manitoba in 1956 and appears to remain at about unity; (5) marriage, birth, and death rates are decreasing and divorce rates are increasing; (6) the size of the family has changed very little - there are fewer very large families, but also fewer childless families; (7) most of the mothers gainfully employed outside the home have no family responsibilities; (8) school and university attendance is increasing, and the special education program, particularly, in Western Canada should be expanded; (9) centralization of school facilities is progressing rapidly and appears to be more economical than comparable facilities in smaller schools; and (10) more financial aid from the government seems to be necessary.