Investigation of velocity and turbulence measurement techniques for riverine hydrokinetic turbine sites

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d'Auteuil, Samuel
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Hydrovision International

Multiple flow devices, techniques, procedures, and approaches are tested and validated to characterize the velocity, turbulence, and length-scales of high-velocity riverine sites for distributed hydrokinetic turbine applications. Measurements are performed at the Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Testing Center located on the Winnipeg River. Devices tested include the acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV), acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and the shear probe. ADV and ADCP streamwise mean time-averaged velocity measurements agree within an average of 4.38% difference. These velocity profiles are affected by upstream turbine wakes. In contrast, turbulence intensities differ to a larger degree between the ADCP, ADV, and shear probe. The average percent difference in turbulence intensity between ADV and ADCP is observed to be 30%. In the ADV results, vortex shedding suppression is suspected when the ADV is in the wake of an underwater turbine. Finally, the shear probe measured micro-turbulence scale and cannot capture macro-turbulence.

hydrokinetic, turbine, riverine, ADV, ADCP, Shear probe, channel
S. D’Auteuil, E. Bibeau, and A. H. Birjandi, “Adaptation of velocity and turbulence acoustic measurement techniques for riverine hydrokinetic turbine sites,” in Hydrovision International, 2016, pp. 1–7.