A survey of training development officer Internet use

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McLeod, Donald C.
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The internet has exploded onto the general public in recent years. Civilian trainers have developed ways of using this new technology to deliver courses. This purpose of this study was to survey internet use within the Training Development Officer (TDO) occupation in the Canadian Forces (CF) to make recommendations for possible future action. Questionnaires were ailed to each of the 120 TDOs serving in Canada in December of 1996. By March 1997, 105 responses were returned indicating that 85 TDOs had access to the internet. Findings included: (1) The use of the internet varied according to TDOs age, employment type and setting and educational level. The fact that computers were or were not used during their Basic Qualification Course did not appear to influence TDO internet use after graduation. (2) Almost 81% of the respondents accessed the internet usually on a weekly basis. (3) Only about a third of the respondents had any internet training. (4) The internet was used for research by 75% of respondents and 51% used the e-mail feature. (5) Downloading information was the most used activity with surfing Web sites a close second. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
