Planning For Child Care: the impact of planning policies and strategies on the development of early learning and child care spaces in Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Holt, Carley
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As employment rates rise and the number of dual-income families’ increase, the demand for child care in Canada is growing. However, access to quality child care has become a commodity increasingly difficult for parents to secure and a problem contributing to mental health issues, poverty, gender gaps which place limitations on the Canadian economy. This practicum explores the role planners, policymakers and local government play in the development of early learning and child care (ELCC) spaces by examining planning strategies and land-use policies within Winnipeg and in four municipalities across Canada. A list of ELCC considerations for the City of Winnipeg was informed by a literature review, a review of policy and strategy precedents, and semi-structured interviews with key informants. Based on this analysis, a table outlining these considerations was created as a stand-alone document that can be used as a reference for municipal planners, policymakers, and researchers.
Child care, Early learning and child care, Community planning, Feminist theory, Just city, Land-use planning