Exploration of hospital and home visiting nurse experiences and vision for the transitional care of carers: A qualitative study

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Lobchuk, Michelle
Dryburgh, Leslie
Shead, Nicole
Hoplock, Lisa
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Aims and objectives: To capture hospital and home visiting nurse experiences and vision for the transitional care of family carers of adult patients. Background: Transitional care is a time-limited approach to avert overlooking family carer and patient needs during ‘hand-offs’ of care from hospital to home. Despite nurses’ key role in transitional care, we have scant knowledge of hospital and home care nurse experiences and suggestions to better support family carers during their care transitions. Design: A qualitative design underpinned by interpretive description. Methods: As part of a larger study, a convenience sample of seven hospital and five home visiting nurses participated in December 2015 and January 2016. A semi-structured interview schedule was developed from Appreciative Inquiry. Data were extracted from two focus group interviews conducted separately with hospital and home visiting nurses. The study was reported according to the COREQ guidelines. Results: Content analysis revealed two main themes from transcribed focus group data and handwritten responses to survey questions about workplace philosophy of family care and additional comments: Current Care of Caregiving Families and Vision for Care of Families in Transition. Conclusions: The degree and type of transitional care for caregiving families by nurses is dependent on the organizational setting. Nurses agree that more direct communication between care sectors at “hand-off” as well as the provision of cohesive messages by nurses that foster realistic expectations held by families regarding roles and responsibilities of formal and family caregivers across care sectors are required. Opportunities for nurses across care sectors to meet and dialogue about their roles and expectations for caregiving families across the care trajectory are needed. Relevance to Clinical Practice: Nurses’ recommendations reflected transitional care concepts of continuity, expectations, and resources that can guide clinicians, policy-makers, health care leaders, and researchers to promote enhanced transitional care for family carers.
family carers, care transitions, home visiting, hospital, nurses, collaboration, communication, qualitative, focus group