Genocide and the maintenance of power: settler colonialism, carcerality, and the new liberal order, 1950 - 1970

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Hounslow, Wanda June
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This thesis is situated in theories of settler colonial genocide that define the settler colonial project—the building of a new society of settlers that necessitates the erasure of Indigeneity—as a genocidal process. By adopting the framework of the settler colonial mesh, which examines elimination processes as adaptive, enduring, and operating along multiple levels of governance and through various bureaucratic institutions, I bring the issue of disproportionate Indigenous incarceration into the genocide discussion. Through critical discourse analysis of the Federal Corrections newsletter, a document that highlighted policies and programs at the forefront of correctional reform during this era, I examine the ways in which colonial and modern liberal thinking infuse the correctional project, which, in turn, act as a force of Indigenous erasure.
Settler colonialism, Genocide, Decolonization, Incarceration, Indigenous