The University of Manitoba Field Station Delta Marsh 1982 Annual Report Number 17
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The University Field .Station continues to be an active focus for research and teaching. It serves the needs of field courses, workshops, seminars and short courses and increasing use by researchers. These varied contributions make the Field Station a vital unit in the University's academic program. 1982 was certainly a successful season . Staff Dr. Jennifer M. Shay Dr . Robert M.R. Barclay Support Staff Mr. Ken May Mrs. Diane May Mr . George Cosens Ms. Adele Vust Ms . Lucia Flynn Ms. Joyce Kendrick Faculty Dr . Tom Booth Dr . J .Bruce Falls Dr . Jack Gee Dr. Gordon G. C. Robinson Dr. Spencer G. Sealy Graduate Students Gloria Biermann Gordon Goldsborough Dan Guinan Heidi den Haan Andrew Horn Tawfik Muhsin lain Suthers June Tugwood P. L. Wlong Project Assistants Barbara Beaver Friederike Schneider Melissa Todd Christina Zarowsky 1982 PERSONNEL Director Resident Biologist Caretaker Cook/Housekeeper Summer Assistant Summer Assistant Administrative Clerk (January to August) Administrative Clerk (from August) Department of Botany Department of Zoology , University of Toronto Department of Zoology Department of Botany Department of Zoology Department of Zoology Department of Botany Department of Zoology Department of Zoology Department of Zoology, University of Toronto Department of Botany Department of Zoology Department of Zoology Department of Biology, Lakehead University Department of Zoology Department of Botany, NSERC Summer Scholar Department of Zoology Department of Zoology , University of Toronto Research Don Thompson completed hi s MSc. thesis and has begun a Ph.D. program in the Department of Pla nt Science . Fifteen research projects were undertaken , five by faculty members, four by Ph.D. candidates, five by ~1 Sc. candidates and one by an NSERC Summer Scholar . Project titles and inve stiga t ors are given below : Barclay , R.t·1. R. Ph.D. Pohajdak, G. C. den Haan , H. Falls, J .B. Ph.D. Goldsborough , G. Guinan , D. Horn, A. Muhsin, T. Schneider, F. Sealy , S. G. Ph.D. Shay, J .M. Ph . D. Suthers , I . ~1. Tugwood, J . Wong, P.L. Foraging behavior of the insectivorous bats at Delta Marsh Dynamics of foraging and food resource use in a community of nesting birds (Ph . D. candidate) Patterns of fall migration and molt in wood warblers (MSccandidate) . Song matching in western meadowlarks . An investigation of t he influence of herbicides upon algal communities. (MSc candidate) Foraging strategy of house wrens . (MSc candi date) Graded signals in the song repertoires of western meadowlarks . (P h.D . candidate) Mycological studies of select ed salt marsh succulents . (Ph.D. candidate ) An investigation of colonization of submerged surfaces by diatoms. (NSERC Summer Scholar) Population structure in birds in the dune ridge community . Dynamics of breeding in a passerine bird communi ty . A Phragmites australis. dominated community three years after spring , summer and fall burning . Distribution and reactions to hypoxia of some marsh -dwelling fish. (MSc candidate) Habitat variables affecting host - nest selection by the brown-headed cowbird. (MSc candidate) Studies of the acuarioid nematod es of waders and rails. (MSc candidate) The Annual Seminar was held on January 23rd 1982 with progress reports given by faculty and graduate students . Dr . Bruce Batt , from the Delta Waterfowl Research Station , gave a paper on their Marsh Ecology Re search Program .