Reliability in measuring the range of motion of the aging cervical spine

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Sinha, Juhi
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The purposes of this study were to: 1) determine absolute intrarater reliability of using the cervical range of motion device (CROM) for measuring cervical movements in older adults, and 2) determine the intrarater reliability and concurrent validity of the Candrive protocol, which uses a universal goniometer to measure rotation. Forty older adults (75.7 + 4.7 years of age) were tested in two sessions, one week apart, by two raters. Intrarater reliability scores were good for the CROM protocol (coefficient of variation (CV) values were 5.5% and 6.2 % for cervical rotation). The Candrive protocol values were higher (CV = 7.9 and 9.4%). Concordance analyses suggested that the Candrive protocol was less than good in terms of its validity, particularly when order effects were taken into consideration. In conclusion, the CROM protocol demonstrated good reliability for either group or individual analyses, whereas the Candrive protocol was less reliable and its validity marginal.

cervical spine, range of motion, reliability, validity, intrarater reliability, interrater reliability, aging, older adults, joint flexibility, physical activity