Selection of algal genotypes by three species of lichen fungi in the genus Cladonia

dc.contributor.authorPiercey-Normore, MD
dc.description.abstractThe lichen-forming fungal genus Cladonia P. Browne associates with green algae in the genus Trebouxia de Puymaly. Genetic structure of the algal symbionts in Cladonia gracilis (L.) Willd., Cladonia multiformis G. Merr., and C. rangiferina (L.) Nyl. was used to infer geographic patterns and symbiont associations. Algal genotypes were defined by restriction fragment length polymorphisms in the nuclear internal transcribed spacer rDNA from 115 samples of Cladonia collected from two geographic regions in Manitoba, Canada. Results suggested that two species of fungal symbiont were highly selective of the algal partner within given geographic areas, and one species was highly selective of the algal partner regardless of the geographic region. Different degrees of selectivity in three species suggested that even within the same genus, fungal selection for the algal partner may vary. In addition, DNA sequences from a subsample of 20 algal and 11 fungal specimens were used to determine phylogenetic relationships of each symbiont. Sequences of four group I intron-like insertions in the small subunit rDNA, two of which were newly reported for the genus Cladonia, were used to infer the fungal phylogeny. The intron phylogenies produced monophyletic species. Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer rDNA were used to infer the algal phylogeny. Cladonia gracilis and C. rangiferina were associated with three species of Trebouxia.en
dc.format.extent1188711 bytes
dc.identifier.citation0008-4026; CAN J BOT, JUL 2004, vol. 82, no. 7, p.947 to 961.en
dc.rightsNo part of the NRC Research Press electronic journals may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher, except as stated below. Under the Canadian Copyright Act, individuals may download or print single copies of articles for personal research or study. Any person may reproduce short excerpts from articles in the journals for any purpose that respects the moral rights of authors, provided that the source is fully acknowledged. As a courtesy, the consent of authors of such material should be obtained directly from the author. Authorization to reproduce items for other than personal research or study, as stated above, may be obtained via Access © upon payment of the copyright fee of $10.00 per copy. NRC Research Press also extends certain additional rights to authors. The above rights do not extend to copying or reproduction for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. For such copying or reproduction, arrangements must be made with NRC Research Press.en
dc.rightsopen accessen_US
dc.statusPeer revieweden
dc.subjectgeographic patternen
dc.subjectGROUP-I INTRONSen
dc.subjectSSU RDNAen
dc.subjectRIBOSOMAL DNAen
dc.titleSelection of algal genotypes by three species of lichen fungi in the genus Cladoniaen
dc.typejournal articleen_US