Living schools: transforming education

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O'Brien, Catherine
Howard, Patrick
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Education for Sustainable Well-Being Press (ESWB Press)
In this edited book, educational scholars and practitioners from different educational contexts theorize about, provide examples of, and reflect upon what the editors have been calling “living schools” as a general design for progressive and sustainability education. In the first part of the book, the editors describe a conceptual framework for and justify the need for living schools. The second part comprises seven chapters in which each of the chapter authors describe examples of living schools in which they were first-hand involved with. In the final and third part of the book, the editors, supported by other education scholars, analyze these and other cases of living schools for the attributes of living schools that the editors have developed in their Living Schools Framework. License: CC-BY-NC
living schools, transformative education, well-being, alternative education, sustainability education, outdoor education, progressive education, sustainability pedagogy, well-being pedagogy, school education, higher education, home schooling, sustainability