A new elastic viscoplastic model for time-dependent behaviour of normally and overconsolidated clays: theory and verification

dc.contributor.authorYin, JHH
dc.contributor.authorZhu, JG
dc.contributor.authorGraham, J
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a new three-dimensional elastic viscoplastic (3D EVP) constitutive model for the time-dependent stress-strain behaviour of both normally consolidated and overconsolidated clays. There are two major new developments in the 3D EVP model: (i) incorporation of a nonlinear creep function with a limit for the creep volume strain under isotropic stressing conditions; (ii) adoption of a new loading surface function with a smooth shape on the pie plane. Based on the "equivalent time" concept of Yin and Graham, the formulation of the new 3D EVP model is derived using the new nonlinear creep function and loading surface function. A new approach to determining all model parameters is presented. The 3D EVP model is calibrated using data from one conventional isotropic stress creep test and consolidated-undrained triaxial tests on soft Hong Kong marine deposits (HKMD). The model is verified by comparing model results with those from both normally and overconsolidated triaxial tests on HKMD and a mixture of kaolin and bentonite.en
dc.format.extent1768097 bytes
dc.identifier.citation0008-3674; CAN GEOTECH J, FEB 2002, vol. 39, no. 1, p.157 to 173.en
dc.rightsNo part of the NRC Research Press electronic journals may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher, except as stated below. Under the Canadian Copyright Act, individuals may download or print single copies of articles for personal research or study. Any person may reproduce short excerpts from articles in the journals for any purpose that respects the moral rights of authors, provided that the source is fully acknowledged. As a courtesy, the consent of authors of such material should be obtained directly from the author. Authorization to reproduce items for other than personal research or study, as stated above, may be obtained via Access © upon payment of the copyright fee of $10.00 per copy. NRC Research Press also extends certain additional rights to authors. The above rights do not extend to copying or reproduction for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. For such copying or reproduction, arrangements must be made with NRC Research Press.en
dc.rightsopen accessen_US
dc.statusPeer revieweden
dc.subjectequivalent timeen
dc.subjectconstitutive modelen
dc.titleA new elastic viscoplastic model for time-dependent behaviour of normally and overconsolidated clays: theory and verificationen
dc.typejournal articleen_US