The preservation crisis and beyond, a recommendation to microfilm the textual records of the Historical Archives Responsibility Centre at the Provincial Archives of Manitoba

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Grabish, Calla
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Many contributors to archival literature are of the opinion that we must begin to focus on the retention of the information contained in the record rather than on the retention of the original record. This thesis supports this view and suggests that we rethink the usefulness of preservation microfilm. Of all the information media, microfilm is the best technology to preserve and store our archival heritage. Microfilm also has the advantage of taking up less shelf space than more bulky paper counterparts. It has been demonstrated that full-scale microfilm operations are more cost-effective in the long run than the construction of new storage facilities. This thesis advocates the implementation of large-scale proactive microfilming programmes. Conservation policies should mandate that records of informational value including those now under archival control and at the point of acquisition be promptly microfilmed and either returned to the donor or destroyed. Textual records having intrinsic value, our national treasures, should be microfilmed to provide a security copy and stored in the archives for the duration of their natural lives. Commitment to such a programme by all levels of staff within an archives is critical. It is also critical that archivists demonstrate to resource allocators' the important role that archives play not only now but for those generations to come. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Preservation microfilming
Archival materials
Conservation and restoration
Documents d'archives
Conservation et restauration