Acoustic discharge measurements for the performance testing of low-head hydroelectric turbines under disturbed flow conditions

dc.contributor.authorDoering, JC
dc.contributor.authorGawne, KD
dc.description.abstractThe detection, measurement, and characterization of frazil ice particles is a necessary first step in advancing our understanding of frazil ice processes as well as improving models. The detection of frazil ice has been accomplished in a number of ways. Herein, a digital image processing system to characterize frazil in a laboratory environment is described. The system is part of an ice research facility that uses a counter-rotating flume to generate frazil ice. Frazil ice is detected using a cross-polarized light technique. The system acquires digital gray-scale images of frazil ice that are analyzed and manipulated digitally to elucidate the temporal and spatial variation of frazil ice characteristics. For example, the system can be readily used to determine the size distribution of frazil ice particles, the vertical distribution of frazil, or the concentration of frazil ice.en
dc.format.extent408397 bytes
dc.identifier.citation0315-1468; CAN J CIVIL ENG, FEB 2000, vol. 27, no. 1, p.160 to 165.en
dc.rightsNo part of the NRC Research Press electronic journals may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher, except as stated below. Under the Canadian Copyright Act, individuals may download or print single copies of articles for personal research or study. Any person may reproduce short excerpts from articles in the journals for any purpose that respects the moral rights of authors, provided that the source is fully acknowledged. As a courtesy, the consent of authors of such material should be obtained directly from the author. Authorization to reproduce items for other than personal research or study, as stated above, may be obtained via Access © upon payment of the copyright fee of $10.00 per copy. NRC Research Press also extends certain additional rights to authors. The above rights do not extend to copying or reproduction for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. For such copying or reproduction, arrangements must be made with NRC Research Press.en
dc.rightsopen accessen_US
dc.statusPeer revieweden
dc.subjectacoustic discharge measurementen
dc.subjectdisturbed flowen
dc.subjectperformance testingen
dc.titleAcoustic discharge measurements for the performance testing of low-head hydroelectric turbines under disturbed flow conditionsen
dc.typejournal articleen_US