Media images and effects on mood and eating, a function of dietary restraint?

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Vanstone, Karina M.
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Media images of thin fashion models, larger-sized fashion models, or scenery were shown to undergraduate females who had obtained either high or low scores on the Revised Restraint Scale (Herman & Polivy, 1980) during pre-screening. Of particular interest was how the media images affected both participants' mood and the amount of potato chips they ate subsequent to viewing the photographs. Predictions were that restrained women would experience both negative mood, as measured by the Profile of Mood States (POMS; Mc Nair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1971) and increased eating after viewing photographs of thin fashion models, but not after viewing photographs of larger-sized models or scenery; and, that restrained women would consume more potato chips than unrestrained women would after exposure to photographs of thin models. Female participants from the University of Manitoba Undergraduate subject pool were recruited based on their scores on the Restraint Scale. Women whose scores were within the 30 ighest scores or the 30 lowest scores were randomly assigned to one of three groups, and exposed either to photographs of thin fashion models, larger-sized models, or scenery photographs. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
