Evaluation of Land Use Change Scenarios in the LaSalle Watershed - Technical Memo

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Greenland International Consulting Ltd.
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Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada (AAFC) was assessing a variety of software modeling tools for the purpose of managing watershed processes and in particular nutrient loading in the Lake Winnipeg Basin, which encompasses 177 square kilometers with land uses predominately agricultural in nature. This study applied the CANWET 4 model to evaluate phosphorus loading under five (5) land use scenarios to determine if changing the land use profile in the study area could provide benefits in the form of reduced phosphorus loading.

The resulting analysis showed a modest reduction in phosphorus loading associated with the land use changes from the alternative land use scenarios, including the conversion of agricultural lands use to wetlands. Simulations were run to determine the change in load associated with the change in land use, but the potential of these additional wetland areas to intercept load carried from upstream drainage areas were not considered. Finally, multiple recommendations were also made based on the above analysis to reduce uncertainty associated with the simulated results and improve the resolution and usability of the results in future assessments using the CANWET approach.

LaSalle, Watershed, Land Use, Agriculture Canada, CANWET Watershed Model, Lake Winnipeg, Phosphorus, Nutrient management, Non-point source model