An analysis of landowner attitudes and behaviour regarding North American wate fowl management plan leases in southwestern Manitoba
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This study assessed landowner attitudes and future intentions regarding participation in the Green Acres and Adopt-A-Pothole leasing programs in southwestern Manitoba. These programs were implemented by the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation and the Delta Waterfowl Foundation as a response to declining continental waterfowl populations, with the intentions of encouraging landowners in the pothole region to set aside wetland and upland acreage for wildlife habitat. The data collected were essential for determining the long term benefits that have resulted from the leasing programs and for identifying possible improvements to the programs. This study used a mail survey as the vehicle for data collection. The survey was administered to a disproportionate stratified random sample of 65 Green Acres and 53 Adopt-A-Pothole leaseholders in the Manitoba pothole region. Attitudes toward leasing agreements and wildlife existence as well as intentions for leased acreage at lease expiration were explored using descriptive statistics. Factors influencing these decisions were identified through discriminant analysis, t-tests, and chi-squared statistical procedures. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)