Professional growth through journaling, a resource teacher's perspective on literacy learning

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Moar, Carol L.
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In this thesis I have used the methodology of Teacher Action Research to help me better understand literacy learning for children. The questions driving my research included: "What does it mean for children to be involved in authentic literacy experiences?" "What role does the social nature of literacy play in my students' learning?" "How might the concept of a 'community of learners' support children who are struggling as readers and writers?" Over the past three years I have been writing a journal reflecting on the actions and words of many of my students. My self-reflective journal entries have been in the form of narratives and stories. I have also collected written work samples, drawings and photographs that I have taken of my students as they have been involved in various learning experiences. Some of these work samples, drawings and photographs are used in this thesis to illustrate my journal entries and my learning. My journal entries (the primary data for this thesis) were reviewed and categorized according to a developing set of basic beliefs about literacy and learning. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)