Snoring sounds analysis for the assessment of the upper airway anatomy and fluid accumulation in the neck during sleep
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Fluid accumulation in the neck due to rostral fluid shift during sleep can increase the tissue content surrounding the upper airway and worsen the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a respiratory disorder occurs due to the upper airway narrowing. Since snoring sounds are generated by the vibrations of upper airway due to its narrowing, purpose of this thesis was to explore the potential of the snoring sounds features to monitor upper airway anatomy (area or length) during sleep and tissue content. A modified subject-specific acoustic model for snoring generation was proposed and compared with measured results from recorded snoring of human participants. We found the only factor that significantly contributed to snoring intensity was upper airway narrowing, while snoring spectral frequencies were negatively correlated with increased tissue content and OSA severity. These results encourage the potential use of snoring sounds analysis to assess upper airway narrowing and tissue content.