American Library Association (ALA) 2023 Emerging Leaders: Team B Final Report

Thumbnail Image
Fuhr, Justin
Gecawich, Kelli-Anne
Bareford, Lee
Martyniuk, Julia
Vaughn, Chris
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American Library Association

Team B of the 2023 class of American Library Association’s (ALA) Emerging Leaders’ program was tasked by the Distance and Online Learning Section (DOLS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to identify accessible tools for online learning.

Our specific project task was to identify how academic librarians consider accessibility in designing and delivering online instruction, and what tools and technologies they use to support accessibility in the online learning environment. Our task was best accomplished by designing, developing, and creating a survey, which will be distributed by DOLS after the completion of the Team B project, to a wide-range of academic librarians involved in online and distance learning.

From February to May 2023, Team B reviewed literature and best practices, and drafted a survey. We received feedback from the DOLS Executive Committee and academic librarian peers, which was incorporated into our final survey. Throughout May and into June, our team put together a poster, video, and this final report to present our work as Emerging Leaders.

This report summarizes our project process, including a literature scan and our goals, methodology, survey development, outcomes, and next steps.

online learning, leadership development