Summary of findings

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Porter, Michelle
Borges, Barbara
Funk, Laura
Guse, Lorna
Kelly, Christine
Mallory-Hill, Shauna
Dunn, Nicole
Roger, Kerstin
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In the summers of 2017 and 2019, a team of researchers from the Centre on Aging at the University of Manitoba conducted a research project on the renovations to the special care unit at Riverview Health Centre. During this project, we were fortunate to have many staff, family and residents participate in the various aspects of the project. We are grateful to all participants who were very generous with their time. Please note that all elements of the renovated spaces were not fully functional during this research project. This was due in part to technology implementation and renovation delays at Riverview. We had hoped to do an evaluation of all the new spaces in 2020 with family and staff. However, the pandemic prevented this from happening. This means that we were not able to assess the use of the new pavilion and courtyard spaces. The completed renovation and technology elements included: smaller dining and lounge spaces, new lighting, image films on doors (resident rooms and exit), flooring and wall coverings, murals, staff communication technology, and re-location of the nursing station. This summary will highlight research findings associated with the new elements and how they impacted residents and staff. Research findings come from surveys, resident statistics, observations of the residents and how the spaces were used. In addition, we made physical measurements of lighting and noise levels.
