Centre on Aging Reports
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Reports published by the Centre on Aging on various aging-related topics. (https://umanitoba.ca/centre-on-aging/research/publications)
Recent Submissions
- ItemOpen AccessSubmission to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA)(2017-10-12) Coalition for Healthy Aging in ManitobaThe Coalition for Healthy Aging in Manitoba (CHAM) would like to congratulate the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) on undertaking the study “Advancing Inclusion and Quality of Life for Canadian Seniors”. The three themes of the report (housing, income security and quality of life), well reflect areas of work that need to be undertaken in Canada and around the world.
- ItemOpen AccessSubmission to the Standing Committee on the Status of Women(2019-03-29) Coalition for Healthy Aging in ManitobaThe World Health Organization’s Global Strategy and Action Plan sets out objectives related to aging that maximize functional ability, and hence, have effects on both intrinsic capacity as well as the external physical and social environments that older adults live in. Thus, there is a strong link with the study that the Status of Women Committee is undertaking. For example, affordable housing and transportation are both key social determinants of health, and are highly linked to quality of life.
- ItemOpen Access2018 Provincial consultations on healthy aging(2019) Coalition for Healthy Aging in ManitobaIn 2018, the Coalition for Healthy Aging in Manitoba (CHAM) facilitated a series of workshops in various locations in Manitoba. Participants were asked to discuss what Manitoba is doing well and what could be improved with each of the following three strategic areas from the Global Strategy and Action Plan: age-friendly environments, health systems, and long-term care. This report summarizes the comments received across all sites for each of the strategic areas. In general, very similar items were discussed at all locations, even though the communities are quite different in their locations, sizes, demographics, cultural backgrounds, and histories.
- ItemOpen AccessPerspectives on aging(2016-09-30) Centre on AgingThe University of Manitoba’s Centre on Aging, in collaboration with the Manitoba Association of Senior Centres, hosted a day long symposium in Brandon on September 30, 2016. Following presentations from researchers, participants were invited to take part in an afternoon workshop to discuss the strategic objectives identified in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Strategy and Action Plan: Aligning health systems to the needs of the older populations they now serve; Developing systems for providing long term care; Creating age-friendly environments; Improving measuring, monitoring, and understanding. For each objective discussed, three priority actions were identified by the WHO in relation to meeting each strategic objective, which helped to inform the discussions. A fifth strategic objective, committing to foster healthy ageing in every country, was omitted from discussion since the researcher presentations were focused on this specific objective. Over 50 people participated in the group discussions, where they discussed two of the objectives and identified how well Manitoba was doing in relation to addressing the WHO’s objectives. Participants selected a topic that interested them and each group was assigned a facilitator/note taker.
- ItemOpen AccessWHO Global Strategy & Action Plan on Aging(2017) Centre on AgingIn February 2017, the Canadian Association on Gerontology and the Centre on Aging at the University of Manitoba applied for a Planning and Dissemination Grant from the Institute of Aging (CIHR). Several partners supported the application. These partners included: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC); Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA); AGE-WELL; Canadian Geriatrics Society; Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association; Transportation Option Network for Seniors; Active Aging Canada; Manitoba Association of Senior Centres; Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba. In May of 2017, we were informed that we were successful in receiving funding for the Pre-conference Workshop to be held at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting. The theme of the Meeting being “Evidence for Action in an Aging World”. Planning for the Workshop included a meeting at the 2017 International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress, with several of the partners mentioned above.