An analysis of waterfowl habitat monitoring surveys in the aspen parkland of Saskatchewan and Manitoba

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Pisiak, Darcy
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This study explores the statistical compatibility of waterfowl breeding habitat survey data collected throughout the aspen parkland of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Data collected in the 1999 air-ground waterfowl breeding habitat survey (A/G survey) and the 1999 Prairie Habitat Monitoring Program (PHMP) survey were analyzed to assess the ability of annual A/G data to supplement PHMP data. This study was undertaken to address the need for a more comprehensive and biologically informative approach to waterfowl habitat monitoring in light of habitat conservation efforts under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP). Analysis of 96 qua ter sections indicates that habitat areas common to both surveys, and within 200m of the right-of-way in each quarter section, accurately reflect the amount of cropland and grassland habitats within respective quarter sections. Extrapolating wooded habitat from the 200m area adjacent to the right-of-way to the quarter section is not recommended on a local level. Wooded habitat must be studied on a landscape level to eliminate localized variation. Extrapolation of natural wetland habitat is not recommended. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
