A look back on the Prairie: the Manitoba Health Libraries Association / Manitoba Association of Health Information Providers (MHLA / MAHIP) chapter history project

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Shaw-Daigle, Christine
Demczuk, Lisa
Osterreicher, Angela
Raynard, Melissa
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Canadian Health Libraries Association
The Manitoba Association of Health Information Providers (MAHIP) is the provincial chapter of the Canadian Health Libraries Association / Association des bibliothe`- ques de la sante´ du Canada (CHLA / ABSC). MAHIP (formerly the Manitoba Health Libraries Association or MHLA) has been in existence since 1976, and in 2011 it will celebrate its 35th anniversary as a professional association. Reaching this milestone inspired the membership to undertake a history project to better document the development and achievements accomplished throughoutthe life of the Association.
libraries, manitoba
Shaw-Daigle, C., Demczuk, L., Osterreicher, A.,& Raynard, M. (2011). A look back on the prairie: the Manitoba Health Libraries Association / Manitoba Association of Health Information Providers (MHLA / MAHIP) chapter history project. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association, 32(1): 17–19.