Setting the Mood: How Men Navigate Disclosure of Mood Disorders in Intimate Relationships

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McCaig, Krystan
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This is a qualitative study using the phenomenological method. This study draws on diverse fields including psychology, sociology, political science and disability studies. The study seeks to locate itself within and contribute to the field of Peace and Conflict studies by establishing intimate relationships as a space in which peacebuilding can occur. The socialization of men to conceal their feelings and emotions has had consequences for men’s health and contributed to a gendered imbalance of emotional labour in intimate relationships. Five men who live with mood disorders were interviewed about their thoughts, feelings and experiences with respect to disclosing their mood disorders to intimate partners. This study demonstrates that when men display vulnerability by disclosing their mood disorders to intimate partners, they are helping to develop healthier forms of masculinity and stronger intimate relationships, and ultimately contributing to greater goals of gender equality, which is essential for the realization of positive peace.

Masculinity, Mood disorders, Intimacy, Disclosure, Peacebuilding