Exploring clothing values among Filipino-Canadian women, an a plication of the group technique

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Yee, Katharine Kate J. Swallow
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The present study has two objectives: (a) to yield new information regarding clothing values through probing the group's perceptions, attitudes and behaviours, and (b) to identify values toward clothing held by a Filipino cultural group. The focus group method was chosen because it enables the investigator to examine responses for greater detail. Three groups of young Filipino women were formed with a total of 12 participants. Grounded Theory was used to interpret and analyze the transcripts. The analysis of the focus group discussions reveal the overriding role of both the root and host cultures and that the participants are more family-centred regarding clothing than respondents involved in earlier research. The participants identified family and context as significant in decisions regarding clothing use. Results indicated that family and context are primary considerations whereas comfort, mood and budget are secondary. Participants identified sub-components of comfort and budget, one of which was the concept of psychological comfort. A hierarchy of value influences, developed from the group discussions, supports ideas from theorists in other disciplines. This focus group approach was useful as the investigator was able to identify the complex relationship of values, in which some influences suggested a hierarchy, while others appeared to be present at similar levels within the hierarchical structure. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
