Analysis of referring expressions in political texts translated from English to Arabic

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Albader, Assim
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This paper focuses on the concept of reference, which is transferred from English (the source language) to Arabic (the target language) differently. The data are from seven different political texts (from different websites; different translators) in order to investigate the notion properly in the target language. The data are classified based on Aziz’s (1993) scale of explicitness. The findings show the capability to display various patterns and forms in the target language (TL). The tendency in Arabic is to express more explicit references than the ones in the source language (SL). A total of 377 cases exhibit changes within the degree of explicit references (340 to be more explicit while 37 to be less explicit). In addition, there are 16 tokens that show the transfer of an implicit reference to be explicit. While only one case in the data presents the opposite category.
Reference, Explicit, Implicit, Source language, Target language