Productivity and greenhouse gas emissions from longterm stockpiled soils treated with organic amendments

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Laskosky, Jorden
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Reclamation success is highly dependent upon final soil quality of stockpiled soils, such as those found Cold Lake Oil Sands Region. Stockpiled soils, however, are generally poor in quality. Soils were amended with, biochar (BC), humalite (HU), a sub-bituminous coal; and peat (PT), as well as 50:50 blends of biochar:humalite (BCH) and biochar:peat (BCP). These amendments were applied at rates of 0, 6.55, 13.1 and 26.2 g C kg-1 each. Biochar, PT, and BCP applied at the rate of 26.2 g C kg-1 were found to reduce N2O emissions by 34, 54, and 70%, respectively, relative to the control. Within the bioassay, BC and PT amendment resulted in a 38 and 40% increase in dry matter yield (DMY) respectively. Finally, amendment typically resulted in significant net decreases in Olsen P values, while nitrate and ammonium concentrations were high in PT amended soils. In general, PT had the best overall performance.

Biochar, Leonardite, Peat, Stockpiled soils, Nitrous Oxide Emissions, Bioassay, Mineralization rates, One-lift, Two-lift